Summer Rhythms Workshop
$49.00 $27.00
Learn how to keep the kids busy without feeling like a drill sergeant so summer is joyful, life-giving, and full of fun memories. Let us help.
I have found the information in the Summer Rhythms workshop very helpful! After all of the unstructured time during the pandemic, I think my kids and I will benefit from some of the ideas to give a little structure to summer while building in fun and adventures :)
A great guide to help control summer chaos into routines. The printables help give you tools to execute a plan. It helped me feel more in control of our day.
I've been following the Military Wife and Mom for a couple years now, and what I love about her stuff is that it's steeped in knowledge and science - yes - but its also so relatable and doable. I always walk away feeling inspired and energized to do the things she is talking about with parenting. The summer rhythms workshop is no different. I am not equipped and organized to have a really nice summer full of fun without sparing the routines & important stuff. Tons of great resources and fun printables. Totally worth it.
I enjoyed listening to all 3 workshops and loved the pretty printables that are included ❤️
I was blown away by the amount of material sent in this summer packet! Thank you so much for your generosity!!!!!